Monday, 28 March 2016

Getting an Abortion in Meghalaya/Shillong

(Disclaimer, I am not a medical professional, consult one to get an abortion. All advise given here may not be medically accurate.)

An abortion is a medical or surgical method of ending a pregnancy. Sometimes accidents happen and a people aren’t ready for the responsibility. That and the fact that pregnancy is dangerous and the life of the woman can be in danger from it, has convinced me to be Pro- Choice, the choice to choose an abortion.

In India under which the state of Meghalaya is under, (Despite the wishes of some elements) abortion is legal up to 20 weeks or 5 Months from conception. The law under which it is legal is the Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act 1972. So anyone telling you it is illegal, is a complete liar. First confirm your pregnancy with a home pregnancy test. You can buy one at most clinics, take 3 and use all of them, most pregnancies are confirmed by all 3, but sometimes 1 may be negative, 2 out of 3 confirms the pregnancy, if only one shows pregnancy, buy 3 more and check again. If unsatisfied visit a gynecologist. Follow the instructions properly.

In the first 5-6 weeks abortions are possible via 2 means:
  • Medical Abortion: 1 pill Mifepristone is taken. This softens the walls of the Uterus, induces slight contractions and dilates the cervix. 2 days later 1 pill of prostaglandin is taken. This has heavy side effects like excessive bleeding, Nausea, headache, abdominal cramps, etc. However take note that if 2 Sanitary Pads are soaked in 2 hours, vomiting, high fever or severe cramps visit the doctor, or rush to the emergency room, ASAP. If this does not happen, you are good. 24 hours later the Foetus is expelled, thus the whole thing takes 3 – 4 days. However some precautions, no blood thinners like aspirin, no pain killers, no drugs of any kind, no alcohol and no NSAIDS (Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) i.e. no anti-depressants. Drink lots of water, no heavy activity, bed rest.  After a week, go check with a Ultra Sound to confirm that the Uterus is empty, if it is not, find a doctor ASAP. The cost for this can range between Rs, 2000 to Rs.3000. If it goes above Rs.3000 you are being scammed.
  • Surgical Abortion: This can be done at a Government Hospital (Civil Hospital) or any hospital that does not object to abortions. Visit the gynaecologist of the hospital, the doctor will provide all the required instructions. This is by far an easier and safer option. It is conducted under general anaesthesia, the procedure itself lasts less than a 15 minutes but the doctor will keep you under supervision for 5 hours or so. Thus go in the morning, retuen by evening time. This procedure must be done by a professional doctor in a hospital, do not go to any non-professional individual. This can cost between Rs.2000 and Rs. 30,000. Depending on how far along the pregnancy is and how much equipment is available. Remember to negotiate and a bring someone along with you.

From above a surgical abortion is the easiest, thus opt for this option whenever possible. Take every possible precaution.

After 6 weeks all abortions must be surgical. Do not, I repeat, do not take abortion pills after the 6th the week, unless you plan on dying a gruesome death.

  • If you are married, you do not need your husband’s permission.
  • If you 18 or above years of age, no one else’s permission is needed.
  • However if you are under 18, you will need your parents or guardians consent. However, any parent who tries to make an under 18 year old child carry a pregnancy to term is a scumbag. Before 18 years of age, most women are still too physically immature to have a safe pregnancy, do not give birth before 18 and you risk death. Get the damm abortion. Ask for help from any adult family or friend you can. Go to the courts/police if you have to. Pregnancies are no joke; in fact they can be lethal.

Post abortion, take rest for a few weeks and do not engage in strenuous activities. Also make better use of condoms and consider taking other birth methods like Birth Control pills, IuD’s, patches, vasectomony, etc.  Take morning after pills next time you have an accident in the bed room or where ever you do it.
A recent study has shown that 99% of all women who make abortions do not regret it. It is unlikely you will be the 1%.

Abortions a completely legal in India, however a few unscrupulous individuals might try to take a advantage of you. Gender selective abortions are illegal, you can’t get an abortion once the gender of the foetus is known. Some people will try to charge you excessively for abortion pills, above Rs.3000, so if possible try to find more than one pharmacy or try to get them online at e-pharmacies. Make sure you at least try to get a doctor’s prescription for them. Again all government hospitals are legally obliged to help a woman get an abortion, unless they lack the personnel or equipment. The moral police may try to stop you as it is against their beliefs. (No passage in the Bible exists banning abortions, so basically their opposition is arbitrary and PIOTA) They might make use of the real police to prevent an abortion by making false pretenses and generally shaming the person. Thus it is advisable that the person keep quiet about the abortion. Make sure to consult a gynecologist as only a gynecologist is legally qualified to perform one.  The moral police will also try to stop doctors from giving an abortion, so it is advisable you do not advertise the doctor’s name or name of the clinic.

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